CodeMash has been scheduled for 2022!! There will be more details released in June 2021, so sign up for updates now!! Please check out the blog post here or visit them on Facebook here.
I have copied the blog post text below for you, kids!
We look forward to seeing you at CodeMash 2022! Look for details about CodeMash 2022 in June 2021 on our blog. In the meantime… Wanna revisit last year’s CodeMash? Pluralsight has videos of many sessions that were recorded during CodeMash 2020. These videos are “free” and do not require a subscription. Check out all of the CodeMash 2020 session videos here: A PluralSight Path (content curated/organized by category) is also available using this link: All of the Zagg Studios photos from CodeMash 2020 are posted and available for free download. (Speaker head-shot photos require a password which was sent out to the subjects of those head-shot photos. All of the other photos are viewable without a password.) CodeMash photos can be found at: But, wait, there’s more! We have some videos from 2017-2019 on CodeMash’s YouTube channel. Wanna talk to people while you reminisce? We have Twitter! Use @CodeMash We’ll see you in January 2022! By Amanda Stamper|January 4th, 2021